7 August 2018 • News
Hello and welcome to Transylvania Beyond's guide to starting a small business in Transylvania. If you're looking to start a company or if you are already building one and want to read more about the relocation opportunities, this is the place to start.
Romania has one of the lowest tax rates on the continent: the standard corporate tax rate is 16%, about half the tax you would pay in France, Germany or Italy. All companies with less than 100.000 euro revenue per year are subject to an even smaller rate: 1-3%. Fiscal incentives include tax exemption for the reinvested profit. The income tax for IT&C employees is 0%. The tax on dividends is 5%.
Resident individuals are taxed on their worldwide income irrespective of the type or source of income; a flat rate of 16% applies. You will pay about 3x less than in UK, France or Germany.
The website created by the Romanian government for companies that want to invest in Romania. You will find info about the macroeconomy, education, wages, cost of living, tax, infrastructure, doing business, government support, success stories. Romania is among the Top 3 countries with the highest GDP growth in EU, according to Eurostat.
If you make 4500 pounds a month in London, you would need to make 1493 pounds in Romania to maintain the same standard of life. If you open a business in Romania, you should know that overall, the hourly labor costs in Romania are around 5 euro/hour, which is 5x less than the EU average.
Download the official 'Foreign Investor's Guide 2017'.
Liberty Technology Park, Cluj (Photo source)
Romania trade & export guide by
This guide was created by the British Government for British businesses interested in developing their overseas trade and doing business in Romania. The guide contains information about: challenges of doing business in Romania, growth potential of the market, trade between the UK and Romania opportunities in Romania, start-up and market entry considerations, legal considerations, tax and customs considerations, entry requirements, who to contact for more help.
The Office, business center in Cluj, Transylvania (Photo source)
Benefits for UK businesses investing in Romania:
Domestic market of nearly 20 million consumers, English is widely spoken, gateway to markets of the CIS and Balkans, low cost flights between Romania and the UK. The EU has allocated EUR 23 billion to Romania until 2020. The funds will contribute to investments in Romanian infrastructure, human development, regional development. Resulting projects will offer good prospects for UK businesses.
Strengths of the Romanian market include:
Young, skilled and educated workforce, well established support in Romania from foreign lawyers, accountants and consultants, implementation of Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) standards for euro payments, plentiful natural resources, western business practices.
Doing Business in Romania Report by the World Bank Group (2017)
This report focuses on business regulations that have an impact on small to medium-size businesses in Romania. The study covers measures in regulations affecting the following areas: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, resolving insolvency and labor market regulation.
KPMG Investment in Romania (2016)
The KPMG guide for those who want to invest or do business in Romania. The guide contains general information about: forms of business organization, taxation in Romania, banking and finance, commercial rules, real estate, EU funding, labor regulations and employment standards, the legal system, protection of intellectual and industrial property rights, accounting, competition (main legal issues), environmental protection.
The Amcham's Guide to Investing in Romania (2015)
Another excellent source of information in English about investing in Romania comes from the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania. The guide covers general information about Romania, forms of business organization, taxation, banking and finance, general commercial rules, real estate in Romania, EU funding, labour regulations and employment standards, the legal system, protection of intellectual and industrial property, accounting, competition in Romania - main legal issues and environmental protection.
The Romanian tech startups directory: startups, founders, incubators, accelerators, events. Find out what's hot on the Romanian startup scene and connect with relevant startups. It is noteworthy that Liverail, one of the most successful tech startups in Eastern Europe of all times - recently bought by Facebook for $500 mln - was created in Cluj, Transylvania.
Co-working in Cluj (photo source)
IMPACT HUB Contact Madalina Martin: [email protected] | +40 743 016 788
CLUJ COWORK Contact Madalina Grecu: [email protected] | +40 751 030 413
CHAOS CC Contact Claudiu Marginean: [email protected] | +40 720 801101
CLUJ HUB Contact: [email protected] | +40 753 461 740
FABRICA DE PENSULE Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 749 222 322
ZAIN STUDIO Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 745 070 410
COWORKING HUB ARAD ADFINES AML Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 722 338 149
BRASOV ALCHEMY HUB Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 730 830 760
HUB 1317 Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 744 583 682
HUB ONEZERO Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 737 032 505
THE HOUSE Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 744 483 213
COWORKING OFFICE ORADEA Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 726 773 656
ORADEA TECH HUB Contact: [email protected]
CENTRAL HUB Contact: | (+40)749 036 360
INNOHUB Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 758 712 980
INNOWORK Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 785 232 748
HUB ZALAU Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 742 329 588
Cluj IT is a cluster based organization formed of active organizations in the information technology field: providers of software services and solutions, universities and research institutes, public bodies and other catalyst organizations.
Contact Ioan Dragan: [email protected]
ITECH TRANSYLVANIA CLUSTER Contact Bianca Muntean: [email protected] | +40 742 225 405
CLUJ INNOVATION PARK Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 264 450 320
SPHERIK ACCELERATOR Contact Jennifer Austin: [email protected]
CLUJ MEETUP COMMUNITIES Contact forms available on the website
SPRING POINT Contact form available on the website
CLUJ STARTUPS Contact: [email protected]
Contact Cristian Dascalu: [email protected] | +40 742180 889
TRANSYLVANIA EVOLUTION Contact Ciprian Tudor: [email protected] | +40 745 546 088
TECH ACADEMY Contact Olivia Frosin: [email protected] | +40 744 549 898
INVEST CLUB Contact Cristian Bordei: [email protected] | +40 724 226 593
TECHSYLVANIA Contact: [email protected]
CLUJ STARTUP WEEKEND Contact form available on the website
IT CAMP CLUJ Contact form available on the website
RISKY BUSINESS ACCELERATOR Contact: [email protected]
SEED FOR TECH Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 766-810276
SIMPLON Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 785 666 553
TETAPOLIS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PARK Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 264.407900
ALT BRASOV Contact: form available on the website | +40 736 354 425
HARGHITA BUSINESS CENTER Contact: [email protected] | (+40) 366 567 941
Unirii Square, Cluj-Napoca (photo source)
A large expat community. you can find useful information about moving to Romania, working and living here, events for expatriates.
Forum for expats living in Romania or people considering a move to Romania.
Life in Cluj, Transylvania, through the eyes of an expat.
Daily news in English about life in Romania: expat life, experiences, voice of the community and financial affairs
Source: Transylvania Beyond
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