The New Roaring 20s
24 February 2021 • Article
At the beginning of last year, we hoped that 2020 could be the year real estate goes to the next level. Instead, we experienced a year like never before.
There were and still are difficult and complex times. However, the way we handle the pressure can positively change our long-term perspectives. You can either look at your obstacle and see a dead end, or, on the contrary, see a new challenge.
We have just started a new decade and I am convinced that the next 10 years are a great challenge, but also a great opportunity, perhaps one that Romania has not had for a very long time.
Let the new roaring 20s begin!
The full Colliers Research and Forecast Report for 2021 - The New Roaring 20s -
Source: Colliers
BLISS eyes in the SKY | Oxford Gardens Pipera | 2021